Online Teaching Employment Opportunities Add Fuel to Your Academic Career

If you are a traditional college instructor teaching on an adjunct basis you may feel that your career is slowing down to near halt because of the low pay and the overcrowded classes. The good news is that if you, a person with an earned graduate degree, a master’s degree or Ph.D., feel this way online teaching employment opportunities add fuel to your academic career by providing a legitimate way to earn a decent living from college teaching and providing you, the online adjunct instructor, with the freedom to work at any time of the day or night from practically any location in the world.

Online bachelor degree programs and online master’s degree programs give new and returning college students, who are enrolling in post-secondary academic institutions in ever greater numbers, an opportunity to earn a mechanical engineering degree online, a health administration degree online or an online accounting degree from their personal computers in their homes. The majority of these new and returning students are non-traditional college students with tremendous family and employment pressures impeding their ability to travel to a remote college campus and spend long hours sitting a dusty, poorly-lit physical classroom listening to a lecture delivered by an over-worked and under-paid adjunct college instructor or taking a text on paper.

Distance education technology benefits both the college instructors and the college students. For the prospective online adjunct instructor, teaching online as an adjunct is both liberating and energizing in the sense that the sad effects of teaching for a the failing physical plant known as the traditional academic institution can be turned on its head and made to benefit the college teacher. For example, in the past a college adjunct teacher was limited to teaching at the few community colleges and universities within driving distance. If the college teacher lived in a sparsely populated rural area it was possible that there would be only one post-secondary academic institution for which to teach every day. In a more populated urban area there might be three or four colleges, community colleges and universities to teach for each day, but academic employment at these schools required the college adjunct instructor to spend a good portion of his or her already miserable pay on personal transportation that needed constant fueling, repairing and insuring to be a dependable means of travel.

Teaching online for multiple accredited online college degree programs effectively disposes of these dual problems of physical transportation and geographic limitation. Instead of being restrained by the physical reality that prevented teaching college students across the country, as is the case with traditional adjunct teaching, the online adjunct teacher can teach online college courses at any post-secondary institution that offer it students the chance to enroll in online degree programs. Geographic distance and geographic location are no longer an impediment to generating multiple income streams by teaching online as an adjunct instructor. In these ways online teaching employment opportunities can certainly fuel your career ambitions and give you your intellectual life back.

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