There is a Real Living Teaching College Students Earning Online Degrees

It is becoming harder and harder to believe in the constancy of public education employment since there seems to be more faculty budget cuts on the way. In an effort to avoid unemployment teachers should realize that distance education enables educators to earn a real living by teaching college and university students earning online degrees. The opportunities to teaching online for online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs have never been more numerous as academic administrators embrace the cost-effectiveness of online classes. The academic with an earned graduate degree, a doctorate or master degree, can teach multiple online college classes from a personal computer. Further, since all the academic interaction between the online instructor and the college student enrolled in an online course takes place on the internet it is possible to teach online from any geographical location that offers access to the Internet. The online adjunct income earned from multiple online college degree programs and the availability of additional online adjunct jobs that can provide even more income should the online instructor want to add classes to the teaching schedule makes teaching college students enrolled in online bachelor degree programs alone can easily produce a real living for an academic.

The best way for a teacher to shine at the end of the day is to teach online for multiple online college degree programs. Since all the academic interaction required of online instructors by online college classes occurs on the Internet it is possible to live and work in any city or town an academic chooses to be in for any length of time. Imagine how an educator will shine when it is possible to simply throw an inexpensive laptop in a shoulder bag, grab a taxi to the nearest airport and fly to another physical location without missing a single online class session. Additionally, the paychecks for each online course will continue to arrive on schedule and can be multiplied simply by making additional applications for more online adjunct employment at any of the thousands of community colleges, state universities or for-profit colleges that deploy more online degree programs in almost every conceivable academic discipline each year. Another reason online instructors shine at the end of the teaching day, and perhaps the most important reason of all, is the online adjunct income belongs to them because they took the responsibility to learn how to manage their teaching careers as academic entrepreneurs instead of state employees waiting for the next round of pink slips.

In the years to come online teaching will prove to be a winner for educators with graduate degrees. The reason for this is that more online degree programs are being introduced by academic administrators each semester in an effort to meet the post-secondary educational needs of new and returning college students. The students are quite ready to earn an online bachelor degree or online master degree from their personal computers because of their familiarity with encountering information on the Internet. The academics willing to learn how to interact effectively with students in online college courses will discover a growing number of online adjunct instructor jobs that need online adjunct instructors to teach them. The best approach to discovering enough online teaching positions to fill an online teaching schedule is to apply directly to the thousands of community colleges, state universities, four-year colleges, technical schools and for-profit colleges. Every post-secondary academic institution today offer distance education to its student population right now, and the number of online degree programs will only grow as each academic year passes to the next. The alert teacher with a master degree or Ph.D. will find online teaching to be a winner for many years to come. There are many unemployed or underemployed teachers today that are at loose ends when it comes to a plan to recover their classrooms. Fortunately, distance education technology puts educators back in online college classrooms provided the teacher has an earned graduate degree, a master degree or doctorate, and a moderate level of computer skill. The enthusiasm today's college and university students have for using the Internet to acquire knowledge that earning an online bachelor degree or an online master degree seems a logical action. Further, the academic administrators of community colleges, state universities and four-year state colleges view online learning programs as a much more cost efficient way to deliver instructional information than the traditional classroom. Of course, each online college courses in each online college degree program must have an online adjunct instructor teaching it, so the number of available online adjunct jobs is increasing each semester. The best way for an educator with the proper academic credentials, an earned graduate degree, to go back in the classroom is to learn how to use a personal computer to make applications at the website of post-secondary academic institutions. The sheer number of teacher layoffs is disheartening enough by themselves, but the loss of benefits and incremental salary reductions greeting educators allowed to return to the physical classroom is even worse in the long run. The reason for this is that the academic is required to do more intellectual work for less money, and the result of this labor formula is a constant loss of the rational for working at the difficult task inherent in public education. Despite protest to the contrary, a teacher needs to earn a decent living from education in order to pay the bills, and when that isn't available in the physical classroom on the traditional campus, it is necessary to look elsewhere for an economic solution. Fortunately, it is now possible for the digitally agile teacher to acquire enough online adjunct jobs to fill an online teaching position that will generate sufficient online adjunct income to supplement or replace the income from teaching on a physical campus. A very productive way to seize the academic day is to start applying to the online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs offered by state college and state universities.

It is increasingly important for educators to be a mobile as possible because it may very well be necessary to trade a higher cost of living in a city for a lower cost of living in a small town. However, most academics in traditional public education positions are anchored by the teaching job itself and the single salary it provide the educator. The problem, then, is how to achieve physical and economic mobility as a teacher and still teach students every day. The answer is that the road to educator mobility is paved with online classes. The growth of online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs is creating more online faculty positions each passing semester and every online course needs an academically qualified online adjunct instructor to teach it. An online teaching schedule that can be coordinated from a personal computer accessing the Internet allows the online instructor the privilege of deciding where to live and how long to live there. As more budget cuts are made in public education there is a distinct upside to the ability to earn a full time living in any geographic spot as an online college professor. It will probably come as something of a surprise to prospective online adjunct instructors that there is a real need for far more academics willing to teach online than there are educators currently coordinating online teaching schedules. The velocity of distance education technology is permitting academic administrators to deploy more online degree programs every semester, and they have plenty of motivation to continue offering online college classes to their student populations because there are more new and returning college and university students enrolled than at any time since the middle of the last century. This means that the online adjunct jobs that are a natural extension of accredited online learning programs need a small army of academically qualified and technically adept academics to fill them. The teacher still working in a physical classroom can take heart in the face of public education layoffs by beginning to build an online teaching schedule that will allow the generation of multiple online adjunct income streams from practically any physical location that provides access to the Internet. The best way to begin the application process for online adjunct teaching positions with online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs is to locate the faculty application section on the websites of community colleges, for-profit colleges and state universities. The demands of teaching in a physical classroom on a traditional campus all too often prevent educators from understand the changes in the academic labor force. For example, it would not be all that difficult to identify veteran teachers who were completely surprised by the teacher layoffs resulting from the decreasing budgetary funds. The truth of the matter is that distance education technology is being employed to counteract the increasing cost of maintaining expensive physical plants such as campuses and the classrooms that sit on them. Administrators of community colleges, state universities, technical schools and four-year colleges are taking a page from the success of for-profit colleges and offering more online degree programs than ever before in academic history. The increase in students enrolling in online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs is creating many online adjunct instructor jobs that need to be filled by educators with computer skills and graduate degrees. Academics wishing to continue earning a living from teaching should start acknowledging the growth of distance education and its acceptance by new and returning college and university students.

As the teacher layoffs take their toll on the educators in public education the professional expectations of academics are shifting to online teaching and the control it gives them over their income from teaching student at the post-secondary level of the academy. For many decades graduate schools have produced intellectuals expecting a career as a teacher in a physical classroom on a traditional campus to generate a decent income with a strong measure of security in terms of employment longevity, but the situation today is altering that view and as a result the number of academics with computer skills applying for online adjunct jobs is growing at a fast rate. Fortunately for prospective online adjunct instructors there are more online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs being deployed by academic administrators than there are online students to teach the multitude of online classes with the online degree programs. The academics wishing to learn more about online teaching as a career path should use a computer to navigate the Internet and locate the faculty application section. This section exists in each of the thousands of community college, technical school, for-profit college and four-year college websites.

The amount of confusion surrounding the budget cuts in public education is shrouding the real issue confronting career educators. Obviously, there is no effort being made to keep teachers in physical classrooms so it is up to the academics to remove the educational industry veil and recognize that the future of educational instruction is teaching online. Currently, the vast majority of online adjunct instructor jobs are with post-secondary academic institutions such as community colleges, for-profit colleges, state universities and technical schools. The reason for this is that the student populations enrolled in college and universities are primarily non-traditional students with families and jobs that drain their available time to pursue an academic degree. The student populations are swelling each semester as more people make the effort to earn an education in order to improve their chances at better career and a better life. The educators that recognize the advantages of teaching online and accurately assess the growth of online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs can position themselves to build an online teaching schedule that can produce an online adjunct income that can rival or exceed that which can be earned by continuing to teach in a physical classroom.

The usual way teachers deal with doubts caused by rising academic unemployment is to worry about the next round of pink slips. There is another way to cope with the current impact of budget cuts in public education and that is to allow distance education programs to soothe the doubts resulting from teacher layoffs. New and returning college students are quite amenable to the notion that it now possible to earn an online bachelor degree or online master degree from their personal computers at home or at work. Additionally, administrators responsible for meeting the educational needs of community college, state university and four-year state colleges have not ignored the major successes enjoyed by for-profit colleges that adopted distance education technology a decade ago. The result of this embrace of online college degree program in the post-secondary education section of the academic is a large increase in the number of online adjunct jobs that must be filled by technically adroit and academically qualified online adjunct instructors. One of the most attractive aspect of teaching online is that it is possible to increase or decrease the number of online college courses in an online teaching schedule by simply making additional applications to several of the thousands of colleges and universities that offer online learning programs to their enrolled students or by declining offered online classes that do not pay an amount equal to the teaching work required by the online program directors.

It would be a major mistake for any teacher with a graduate degree to presume that online teaching is just for unemployed educators that cannot find teaching work anywhere else in the academy. The fact of the matter is that online teaching is one of the fastest growing areas of employment for academics right now. This is in large part due to teacher layoffs creating large numbers of academically qualified teachers without a physical classroom to go to each day of the school week. Naturally, many of these educators are computer savvy enough to learn how to start making applications for online adjunct jobs in the faculty application sections of community college, for-profit college and state university websites. However, even if a teacher is still working on a traditional campus it is smart to start building an online teaching schedule containing two or possibly three online college courses in it just in case there are more layoffs and more budget cuts around the proverbial corner. The best way to begin exploring the option of teaching online is to visit the thousands of post-secondary academic websites and locate the faculty application section that is within each one.

It is a mistake for teachers today to deny the presence of budget cuts and the layoffs they are causing in public education. The better way to confront the decline in need for educators in physical classrooms is to accept the layoffs and start generating online adjunct income from teaching online for multiple online bachelor degree program and online master degree programs. The best way to build an online teaching schedule that will actually generate enough income to pay the daily bills is by making applications for online adjunct professor jobs in the faculty applications sections of state university, four-year college and for-profit college websites. Granted, teaching online full time will require the prospective online adjunct instructor to submit many applications to online college degree programs, but there are over five thousand post-secondary academic institutions that now offer their enrolled students distance education in some form. Plus, the growth of accredited distance learning programs is unstoppable because academic administrators recognize that it is much more cost-effective to deliver educational instruction on the Internet than it is to continue delivering it in a physical classroom on a traditional campus. Ultimately, the forward-thinking educator with a master degree or doctorate can ignore the budget cuts and successfully make the transition to online teaching as a viable career path for academics. Every recently unemployed educator with an earned graduate degree, a doctorate or master degree, should take a very hard look at the rising number of online college degree programs and ask just who will teach the college and university students enrolled in them. The answer is academics with computer skills and a forward-looking mindset that acknowledges the demise of the physical classroom on the traditional campus in favor of the online college course in an online bachelor degree program or online master degree program. The fact of the matter is that the online adjunct professor jobs created in tandem with the online college classes must be taught by academically qualified and technically adept online adjunct instructors. Of course, since the traditional academic layoffs are only now happening in earnest, the number of online college and university professors is still extremely low. This means that there are currently many opportunities to build an online teaching schedule that will generate a full time online adjunct income. The best search strategy a prospective online instructor can employ to locate online teaching positions is to visit the websites of community colleges, state universities and for-profit colleges and locate the faculty application sections. In order to teach college and university students it is necessary to have an earned graduate degree. There are many educators now in precarious employment situations in public education with a bachelor degree, but these educators can enroll in a graduate program and complete the course work required for a master degree or doctorate and begin applying to teach online immediately upon graduation. Of course, it will take focus and determination even with a graduate degree to acquire enough online faculty positions in an online teaching schedule to produce a full time living, but the alternative is to stay in the physical classroom on a traditional campus and either become unemployed as a result of further budget cuts to faculty salaries or have the income from traditional teaching whittled down by the reduction in benefits. The growth of accredited online learning programs and online college faculty positions goes hand in hand, and there seems to be no limit to the number of online college degree programs an individual college or university can offer its swelling student population. The best way to learn about the availability of online teach is to start visiting the websites of community colleges, state universities and for-profit colleges and entering the faculty application section.

Educators are not usually taught the career economics of teaching in graduate school, and when massive layoffs strike as a result of aggressive budget cuts to public education they are often at loose ends when it comes to retaining their purchase on a decent living. As a result of missing this piece of professional information, far too many academics are either unaware or deliberate ignore the financial benefits of a full operational online teaching schedule. The fact of the matter is that six to ten online adjunct jobs can generate a considerable amount of online adjunct income every month, and that income can be earned while teaching from any geographical location in the world. Of course, in addition to a graduate degree, a master degree or doctorate, it is necessary to possess the skill required to easily navigate in and out of online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs on the Internet. This level of computer skill and the graduate degree can be earned with the right amount of focus and determination. The online instructor that successfully transitions out of the physical classroom and into online teaching full time or part time can experience much more control over the amount of academic work in the teaching schedule and the stability of the income earned from the intellectual effort.

Anyone that that thinks building an online teaching schedule capable of producing a full time income comparable to the salary earned in a physical classroom better thin again because learning how to think and act as an academic entrepreneur takes time and practice. In fact, in order to press home this point it is advisable to start a campaign for online classes today and discover why it is truly a campaign with a plan of action and a system of notation for keeping track of the application activity. The aggressive online adjunct instructor determined to acquire as many online teaching opportunities as possible in the shortest time will begin making multiple applications for online teaching positions every day. Since there are over five thousands post-secondary academic institutions now offering their college and university students a variety of online college course in a multitude of online degree programs it will not be difficult at all to submit twenty or thirty online faculty applications every twenty four hours. Naturally, making this many applications for online teaching means that it is necessary to keep track of all the submissions, so a spreadsheet notating the community college, state university or for-profit college that have an application is extremely useful. In the end, it is permissible to continue applying for online teaching with an individual college or university until a positive response is received by the prospective online college professor.

It is time for academics at every level of the academy to recognize the distinct changes taking place in the academic labor model. The recent round of teacher layoffs should be solid evidence that the academic administrations no longer consider the physical classroom on the traditional campus a cost-efficient vehicle for the delivery of educational instruction. Instead, at least at the post-secondary level of public education, the online college class within the online college degree programs is proving to be much more effective for administrators and college and university students. Given, these concrete circumstances, the pursuit of online adjunct instructor jobs is a rational alternative to waiting nervously in traditional educational environment for the next batch of pink slips. Every community college, technical school, for-profit college, state university and four-year college now has some form of distance learning for their enrolled students, and it is a certainty that these academic institutions will develop and field even more online courses and online degree programs far into the future. Simply put, the most productive action an academic with a earned graduate degree, a master degree or doctorate can make right now is to start applying for online teaching positions in the faculty application sections of post-secondary academic websites. It is hard work to confront the teacher layoffs without an understanding of the changes in the academic labor model that the budget cuts represent for teachers. Effectively, the real message in the defunding of public education is that the physical plants, the classrooms and the campuses, have become entirely too expensive to maintain to continuing using them as the primary vehicle for the delivery of educational instruction. The alternative is distance education technology because the same instruction can be delivered for much less cost from a computer server and then access by college and university students from their personal computers. The administrators at community colleges, state universities and four-year colleges now prefer to fill the online faculty positions created by the deployment of online degree programs with online adjunct instructors that have taken charge of their academic careers by learning how to teach online. The best way for a teacher with a graduate degree, a doctorate or master degree, to begin understanding how many online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs there are to teach for is to visit the faculty application sections of post-secondary educational websites. On in that particular section of a school's website it will be easy to see how the academic labor model has changed in favor of the online college course.

The need for educators to learn how to continue earning a living from teaching has been sharply illuminated by the recent wave of public education layoffs. For this reason the bottom line for educators should include online adjunct income from a variety of online college degree programs. Even if an educator wants to remain in a physical classroom on a traditional campus for as long as possible, the academic that does try to acquire just two or three online college classes to teach would be remiss simply because there are more layoffs expected in the near future. The online adjunct jobs being generated by the profusion of online degree programs at the college and university level of the academy can offer any academic with a graduate degree, a doctorate or master degree, a genuine financial lifeline if and when it is no longer possible to return to the physical classroom. One of the most effective search strategies for finding available online teaching positions is to use a personal computer to locate the faculty application sections of the thousands of community college, state university, for-profit and technical school websites.

Many academics are unaware that online teaching can easily generate enough online adjunct income to replace a full time salary lost by teacher layoffs. It is understandable that this is not common knowledge because distance education technology is often discussed only in pedagogical terms. However, not even the academic administrators delivering the pink slips to teachers in physical classrooms on traditional campuses can deny that an educator must find some way to earn a decent living after the teacher loses the traditional academic salary from budget cuts to public education. Fortunately, teaching online for a variety of online college degree programs is a solution in that it offers a practically unlimited amount of online adjunct employment for teachers with earned graduate degrees, a doctorate or master degree, willing to learn how to harness the earning power of distance education. The fact of the matter is that online college courses are now a standard part of every college and university course offerings, and as the academic semesters roll by there will be even more online degree programs available in every academic discipline. The academic wishing to access online teaching opportunities should start making applications in the faculty application section of every community college, for-profit college and state university website. The recent round of massive teacher layoffs startled many academics in public education because there was the benighted assumption on their part that there simply could not be such massive cuts to budgetary funds designated to pay the educators of the general public. Now, however, that illusion has been punctured and is causing a serious downdraft in the employment of teachers with graduate degrees. Fortunately, the enthusiasm academic administrators at the post-secondary level of the academy for online degree programs as a primary vehicle of educational information delivery is creating numerous online adjunct jobs that need academically qualified and technically adept online adjunct instructors to fill them as soon as possible. As the number of online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs grow the more it will down on academics that the sudden lull in traditional academic life now being experienced can lead to online teaching for these online degree programs. The most productive way for interested teachers with graduate degrees to discover the extent of the availability of online adjunct professor jobs is to start visiting the faculty application sections of the thousands of community college, four-year state college and for-profit college websites. These sections inside of the schools' websites can provide ample evidence of the need for prepared online adjunct instructors.


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