Employment Opportunities for Teaching Online Are Growing

The academic labor model is changing so rapidly that it is almost impossible for any college teacher worried about his or her career to keep up with the developments. As the economic shifts at post-secondary academic institutions develop in a tsunami-like fashion, which means the swell of faculty dismissals begins in what appears a remote location and travels to a variety of higher education facilities with a mind-numbing wake of disastrous career implications, and puts more and more tenure-track and tenured academics at the doorstep of unemployment, the pressure to find employment opportunities for teaching online increases with the addition of each new online degree program. The difficulty for most actively engaged college professors is that they are literally unaware of just how quickly the employment ground is slipping beneath their feet, and just how deeply the administrations’ commitment is to distance education technology.

The financial reality is that the cost of maintaining physical college and university campuses is simply not sustainable given that the funding sources, which are largely received from state tax revenues, are drying up and blowing away as a result of the continuing general unemployment. Granted, there are very legitimate arguments being made as to the educational value the education received by attending lectures in a physical space on a traditional college, university or community college campus, but the economic relief for faculty budgets offered by online bachelor degree programs and online master’s degree programs is undeniable and unavoidable today.

These dynamics insist on a fundamental change in how academics view their approach to the employment market and how they manage their primary skill sets in an effort to make a decent living. To be honest, teaching at the post-secondary level of education has never been all that lucrative if the administrator’s salaries are discounted, and the trend in the last decade has been to hire adjunct college instructors instead of adding tenure-track lines in an academic department.

The best possible way for an individual with an earned graduate degree, a Ph.D. or master’s degree, to earn a real living from providing post-secondary instruction is to learn how online college degree programs with available online math teaching jobs, online adjunct English jobs and online elementary teaching jobs. Learning how to locate online degree programs is the first step to acquiring a full time online teaching portfolio populated with a variety of employment opportunities for teaching online. The next step is to setup a rotational application procedure so that each of the thousands of state universities, community colleges and four-year colleges receive an online faculty position application every day of the week. This application process will take some time to develop, but once in place it will function as a constant reminder to the schools that qualified academics are ready to step into the online college classes as they become available.

Ultimately, an aggressive academic seeking new online adjunct faculty employment opportunities every day should be able to successfully transition out of the physical college or university classroom and into a variety of online bachelor degree programs while actually increasing the amount of online adjunct income every month.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting again!! How's everything going? I know you're staying really busy!
